Monday, January 31, 2011

Faire Cuire un Peu et Mères

I would just like to start by saying how great it is to be married. Not only because I’m married to a wonderful guy who bakes me bread (and won’t stop until it is perfect), but also because I have now have two moms.

Yes, yesterday my mom sent us an awesome care package with some much needed Carolyn friendly baking supplies (including soy cheese!), as well as a book and some great pictures of all the snow in Edmonton! Nothing like having a care package from my mom to make me a bit homesick as the rain pelted down. Today we are working on making reservations to visit the Loire Valley when Celia comes and visits in April! How great is it to have two families who are thinking about you?

Now many of you know about our crazy microwave/oven/grill combination machine. We are still getting to know this wonderous machine and this weekend we have really being put it to the test. Not only did Keith try two different variations of bread, but we also baked a Chocolate Pudding Cake and a Crisp. With the baking supplies from my mom, I can only imagine the workout our combi is going to have. I only have a picture of the bread, as the pudding cake and crisp were devoured before pictures were thought of.

I have changed French classes to one that is more intensive and free (for the first 150 hours) because of my immigration status. It is much more structured and about double the time of the other course I was taking. The change has been refreshing and has reminded me (along with some very supportive emails from some of you) that my number one goal in coming here was to learn French. I have been a bit frustrated with the job hunt and Keith and I have decided I will continue to look for a job, but allot more of my time to studying. After all, looking for, and finding a job will only become easier as my French improves. Plus my new class not only has more time in the class room, but there is also homework (can you imagine!).

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