(A brief note to all of my wonderful readers. This was actually written on Dec. 14th, but someone did not post it. I now have internet! From henceforth postings should once again be back to normal.)
So life continues without internet. Yesterday our line was opened but we still need our “neuf box” to be delivered before we can have access to anything. It is funny that at one time in my life the internet did not exist, later I used the internet for some forms of research and basically checked my email once a week. Now it is my main source of information and communication. It is fascinating how ingrained immediate communication is to our lives. I would never classify myself as someone who is addicted to facebook or email, but I find myself feeling detached without it. Part of this is that I am in a new city and am limited in by abilities in the language, but part of it is the expectation that I will be able talk to family and friends whenever the need arises. So instead of relying on modern technology and all its gadgets, I have instead found solace in receiving my first piece of mail today. There is nothing like a good old fashioned Christmas card to make one feel like you are connected to the world and worthy enough to have someone take the time to write it out and post it to you.
I have never been a big writer of Christmas cards, although I do love receiving them. I am just never organized enough and I guess I have just never made it a priority. I find Christmas cards paradoxical because they are seen to be a great way to stay in touch with people you never see, and yet they usually say absolutely nothing. Even the Christmas newsletters, which are chalk full of information, are somewhat impersonal. Now don’t get me wrong I love getting them and they always make me think about those who took the time to send them. Hence with this in mind, it is my Christmas resolution this year not to send Christmas cards but to personally answer all of the ones I do receive with an old fashioned letter. Oh I know I could email all of you who will be sending me something, but we so rarely get what Keith and I term “fun mail” that I think it deserves a reciprocal response. I am also keeping in mind that very few people actually have our new address considering I haven’t been able to send out a big email because of the lack of internet situation, so this task won’t be too daunting. In addition to this, we realized recently that somehow our address book got packed away and shipped off to Edmonton during the move. So even if I wanted to send Christmas cards right now I think the only people who would get one would be my parents, as that is the only address we know by memory. If anyone wants our address send me an email and I can reply, otherwise once we are up and running again I will send it out to everyone.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we are (I think) thoroughly finished with the Ikea instructions which in fact use only pictures to communicate. Below is a photo of such an example. As you can see by the following pictures we have tried to follow the directions as precisely as possible.
This last picture is our guest room. It is still a work in progress in terms of decorations and furnishings, but the basics are all there. Tell me what you think of the comforter. I love it, but Keith’s response when he saw it was, “So you’re going all Ukrainian on me?” The room is filled with vibrant colours, and is ready and waiting for anyone who chooses to drop by. (Hint, hint we love company). Oh yeah and it has heat now too, after an efficient discussion with the plumber and the turning of a few washers.
L-O-V-E the guest bedroom! We went a bit IKEA Ukranian ourselves in our master this fall (after you'd left town). I think you should get that awesome throw blanket they have and add it into the decor - maybe as a wall hanging.
Love your re-creation of the instruction booklet!
Your card was mailed a few days ago, so stay tuned...