Saturday, February 25, 2012

Des Parent Chez Nous (Part 2)

The Roman Road in Glanum.

So I know it has been quite a while since I have actually had time to update the blog. Life has been a bit crazy but with another trip in the works I have realized that I really need to deal with all my photographs before another couple hundred build up.

So perhaps there won't be the same level of detail with these pictures, but I will try my best to convey the excellent time I had with my parents when they visited in October/November.
More from our first outing to Glanum. An excellent site to understand the numerous layers of history that have built Provence. From Phenocean, to Greece, to Roman ruins all in building on top of each other.

In the same day we fast forwarded to the middle ages and visited the hilltop stronghold of Lex Baux.

The ruins of this once powerful castle highlight the harsh realities of life in the middle ages.
 Too my surprise Ag did venture half way up to the top, but didn't make it high enough to take in this particular view. Later in the vacation he climbed to the top of one of mountains right on the edge of the sea. Has age mellowed his fear of heights?

After a long drive north we arrived in St. Malo on the English Channel.

A picture perfect town. Who would have thought that this place housed pirates and was considered a strategic keypoint in both World Wars?

The beaches of St. Malo.

One of the outposts that guarded this buccaneer town. Accessible at low tide, but low to those tourists who do not return before high tide.

This crest memorializes the blessing Jaque Cartier received in the Cathedral of St. Malo before setting sail to discover Canada!

Entering Mont St. Michel. One of the most popular pilgrimages in France.

It was a perfect day with lunch looking out over the sea. The only time it actually rained on the whole trip we were safely inside the restaurant drinking cider and enjoying apple sorbet.

The beaches of Caroles.

With these views you can truly understand why the Gauls called this the edge of the world.

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