Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Les Clés

Just a quick entry to give you all a preview of our apartment. Yes, tonight we actually got the keys to our new apartment. Everything looks great except for some plumbing work that needs to be done on the W.C. and the heaters not working in the guestroom and office. The heaters have been off for the past week, so we are hoping that things will warm up a bit tonight.

Let the cleaning and hauling begin! As I think I have mentioned before, our new apartment is a five minute walk from where we are staying, so I will be hauling our suitcases and various acquired stuff over in many little ant-like trips, after I have thoroughly finished cleaning. I managed to finish the bedrooms, living room and storage room tonight. Funny how fast cleaning is when nothing is in a room.  

Here are the before pictures, hopefully the after pictures will be coming soon!

What do you think of the previous tenants' colour choices? 

1 comment:

  1. Tres cute! Lovely and I think you will feel very at home there. Better kitchen than in Kingston! I like the wall colors except for the blue - too much with the red in the same room. Otherwise, keep them! It will look less crazy with your pictures up and furniture in.

    Enjoy the ant-ing!


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